
פריטים נדירים ומיוחדים. מכירה חיה עם קהל באולם.






Lot A:
חידושים בהלכה בעצם כתב ידו הקדושה של רבינו הגאון רבי עקיבא אייגר. סגולה ליראת שמים, לפרנסה ולשמירה
חידושים בהלכה בעצם כתב ידו הקדושה של רבינו הגאון רבי עקיבא אייגר. סגולה ליראת שמים, לפרנסה ולשמירה חידושי תורתו בהלכה כתובים בעצם כתב ידו של ענק הדורות רבינו הגאון רבי עקיבא אייגר. נודע אף כסגולה לפרנסה לשמירה, ליראת שמים ולמוסר. גודל 20X16 ס"מ. 9 שורות בכתב ידו.כתמים קלים מאוד. מצב מצוין.הגאון רבינו עקיבא אייגר [תקכ"ב-תקצ"ח], גדול גאוני ופוסקי דורו. נולד באייזנשטאט, לאביו רבי משה גינז ולאמו בת הגאון רבי עקיבא אייגר הראשון.  בילדותו למד בישיבת ברסלוי במחיצת דודו ורבו הגאון רבי בנימין וואלף אייגר. בהיותו בן ט"ו שנה כבר החל לומד שיעור בפני תלמידים. בשנת תקנ"ב נתקבל לרב ויסד ישיבה בעיר מארקיש פרידלנד. בשנת תקע"ה עבר לכהן כרב בעיר פוזנא בה שימש כ"ג שנים עד פטירתו, גם בה יסד ישיבה והעמיד תלמידים הרבה.

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Lot B:
מכתב ברכה ייחודי מאת הגאון רבי מאיר שפירא מלובלין לזוגתו הרבנית. צוהר נדיר לעולמו האישי.
מכתב ברכה ייחודי מאת הגאון רבי מאיר שפירא מלובלין לזוגתו הרבנית. צוהר נדיר לעולמו האישי. מכתב ברכה ייחודי מאת הגאון הנערץ רבי מאיר שפירא גאב"ד לובלין, ראש ישיבת חכמי לובלין, מחולל הדף היומי ונשיא אגודת ישראל בפולין. נשלח מהישיבה לזוגתו הרבנית בערב יום הכיפורים. [1] דף נייר רשמי. 27X20 ס"מ.סימני קיפול, כתמים קלים. מצב טוב מאוד.נוסח המכתב הייחודי:ב"ה לובלין ערב יום הכיפורים שלום וכל טוב סלה לזוגתי הרבנית תחי' 

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Lot 1:
Personal letter from HaGaon Rabbi Shimon Szkop. Grodno, 1938.
Personal letter from HaGaon Rabbi Shimon Szkop. Grodno, 1938. Hand written letter by HaGaon Rabbi Shimon Szkop Rosh Yeshiva of Grodno, and one of the great sages of his generation, to the Great Rabbi Reuven Katz Rabbi of Petach Tikvah and author of the 'Degel Reuven'. The letter deals with the subject of the rescue of Jewish youths and emigration permits to Israel.

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Lot 2:
Rare letter of blessing hand written by the holy Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Shneersohn of Lubavitz. In which he blesses Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik HaLevi Herzog upon his 60th birthday. Brooklyn, 9th day of Tevex 1949.
Rare letter of blessing hand written by the holy Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Shneersohn of Lubavitz. In which he blesses Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik HaLevi Herzog upon his 60th birthday. Brooklyn, 9th day of Tevex 1949. Rare letter from Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Shneersohn of Lubavitz, sent to Chief Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik HaLevi Herzog on his 60th birthday. The letter was written about a year and one month before his passing. Brooklyn, 9th day of Teves 1949.

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Lot 3:
Hand written long and rare letter from The Great and Holy Rabbi Yitzchok Zelig of Kotzk-Solkolov deliverer of salvations, one of the great leaders of the Jews in Poland he had a strong position in Agudat Yisrael against the Zionism and institutions in Ere
Hand written long and rare letter from The Great and Holy Rabbi Yitzchok Zelig of Kotzk-Solkolov deliverer of salvations, one of the great leaders of the Jews in Poland he had a strong position in Agudat Yisrael against the Zionism and institutions in Ere Long letter all written by the hold hands of The Great Rabbi YItzchok Zelig Morgenstern of Solkolov–Kotzk one of the leaders of the Jews in Poland, calling the observant Chareidi Jews of Israel, to leave the National Council. This  brings to light about the Chareidi leadership position of 'Agudat Yisrael' against the Zionism and their institutions. One official page, 22x28cm, enlarged binding holes, very good condition.

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Lot 4:
Letter from the Great Rabbi of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yoseph Hager. 25th day of Sivon 1936.
Letter from the Great Rabbi of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yoseph Hager. 25th day of Sivon 1936. Holy letter from the Great Rabbi of Otynia, to his friend Rabbi Yosef of Tzfat, requesting receipts for donations collected from various places. The Great Rabbi specifies that in a few places he will try to collect donations three times a year. "But this needs another fundraiser and this will entail more expenses.

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Lot 5:
Letter from HaAdmo"r of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Hager. 6th day of Cheshvon 1936.
Letter from HaAdmo"r of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Hager. 6th day of Cheshvon 1936. Letter from Rabbi Yisroel Yosef Hager from Otynia to his friend Rabbi Yosef of Tzfat, about the subject of delivery and support from Tchernovitz which has not been carried out due to restrictions imposed in Romania. He noted his great pain about this. "כי ידעתי עד כמה מה מיחלים על התמיכה [...] הזאת".

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Lot 6:
Letter from HaAdmo"r Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Hager of Otynia, "Waiting for G-ds quick salvation". 8th day of Tishrei 1937.
Letter from HaAdmo"r Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Hager of Otynia, "Waiting for G-ds quick salvation". 8th day of Tishrei 1937. Letter in which the Great Rabbi of Otynia confirms receipt "Exclusive and beautiful Etrog with all qualifications. But seems that due to handling along the way the Pittum broke off which was found lying in the box." And he added a blessing " "מקרב לב עמוק הנני מאחל לו רוב תודה וברכה ומברכו בשנה טובה ומעוטרת בכל מילי דמיטב"

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Lot 7:
"אהרן בן בתי' רוחמה" 'kvitel' of Hrh"k Rabbi Aharon of Belz zy"a in it he mentions himself and his family upon the Holy Holidays.
"אהרן בן בתי' רוחמה" 'kvitel' of Hrh"k Rabbi Aharon of Belz zy"a in it he mentions himself and his family upon the Holy Holidays. Holy of Holies Rabbi Aharon of Belza accepted a personal kvitel as a tribute for himself "אהרן בן בתי' רוחמה

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Lot 8:
Rabbi Mordechai of Zvhil goes out of his way for the rescue of the Torah World. Rare letter! Jerusalem 1955.
Rabbi Mordechai of Zvhil goes out of his way for the rescue of the Torah World. Rare letter! Jerusalem 1955. Letter of appeal by the Great Rabbi Rabbi Mordechai Goldman of Zvihl, in which he calls for help regarding the Torah scholars of Israel, who are currently in general tough condition, with exceptional blessing for wealth with his personal holy hand writing. Jerusalem 1955

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Lot 9:
Letter from The Great Rabbi Dov Berish Weidenfeld from Tchebin, wishing Refuah Shleima (complete health). Jerusalem 1961.
Letter from The Great Rabbi Dov Berish Weidenfeld from Tchebin, wishing Refuah Shleima (complete health). Jerusalem 1961. 'I will be happy to hear good tidings, feel completely and speedily well, and only good and grace shall dwell in your home'. Letter from The Great Rabbi Dov Berish Weidenfeld to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Klein in which he wishes him complete health. Jerusalem 10th day of Kisleiv 1961

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Lot 10:
Letter by the Daayan Rabbi Avraham Mordechei HaLevi Horovitz to the Admo"r Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satamar, Jerusalem 1959. "להצלת רבים מאיסור... של אשת איש".
Letter by the Daayan Rabbi Avraham Mordechei HaLevi Horovitz to the Admo"r Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satamar, Jerusalem 1959. "להצלת רבים מאיסור... של אשת איש". Letter from HaRav Avraham Mordechei HaLevi to the Rebbi of Satmar, "Chief Rabbi of the Chareidi community in the Holy City of Jerusalem" On the subject of a get that has been arranged by the Chief Rabbanut of Tel Aviv.וחיוב דאורייתא על כתר"ה שליט"א, בתור רב ראשי לעדת החרדים בעיה"ק ת"ו למנוע מכשול מרבים... בפרט כאן שבודאי יהיו דבריו נשמעין... ואני את נפשי הצלתי. א - כח אין בידי למחות, ב- עשיתי מה שיכלתי, פניתי לאלו שבידם למחות... הכותב מכאב לב ונשבר, על חלול כבוד שמו, יתברך ויתעלה.  "שנשתנה בו שם האשה ממה שכתב בכתב השליחות".The writer fears of a grave sin of the prohibition of 'aishes ish' if the woman will remarry, and requests of the Rabbi to prtotest on this matter and remove a stumbling block from many. Jerusalem 1959.

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Lot 11:
Collection (2) handwritten letter by Rabbi Binyamin Mendelson Ab"d Kommemiyos. 1959
Collection (2) handwritten letter by Rabbi Binyamin Mendelson Ab"d Kommemiyos. 1959 *Letter of appeal to the management of Agudat Yisrael in Haifa from Rabbi Binyamin Mendelson Av Beis Din of Kommemiyos.'Therefore we will do according to what we will be told or writen... Therefor I very much request to write to us your opinion in this. Your friend wishing you a Kosher and Happy Pesach, Binyamin Mendelson current Rav.

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Lot 12:
A bunch of drafts of Kabalah hand written by the Holy Sage and Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock. Jerusalem, about 1960.
A bunch of drafts of Kabalah hand written by the Holy Sage and Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock. Jerusalem, about 1960. Group [8] large and long Kabalist drafts with the actual hand writing of the Holy famous Mekubal the scholar and righteous Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock, Chapters from his sefer 'Tevel Umeloho' and 'Lev Netivot B'Adam' seems to not have ever been printed.

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Lot 13:
Large collection (18) letters of important Rabbis, answers and letters by Poskim from the past generation and current Rabbanim, letters of blessing and agreements.
Large collection (18) letters of important Rabbis, answers and letters by Poskim from the past generation and current Rabbanim, letters of blessing and agreements. Collection [18] letters of answers in Halacha, and Piskei Halacha, Blessings and letters of appeal by great Rabbis, Poskim of the current generation, and famous Rabbanim.

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Lot 14:
Handsome handwriting"דרשיות של הפטרה","מדרש ותפסיר של ששה פרקים" on Mesechet Avot and Agadut Ravah Br Br Chunah. Hebrew and Judeo-Persian. Sulimon Ben R' Avraham K"tz. Persia end of 19th century.
Handsome handwriting"דרשיות של הפטרה","מדרש ותפסיר של ששה פרקים" on Mesechet Avot and Agadut Ravah Br Br Chunah. Hebrew and Judeo-Persian. Sulimon Ben R' Avraham K"tz. Persia end of 19th century. Unique and impressive Mizrachi handwriting, with Midrashim and lectures on the Haftorot, on (tractate) Mesechet Avot and more. Persia, (1891-1899).

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Lot 15:
[3] Postcards and letters by and to Rabbi Ben Tzion Meir Chai Uzial Rav of Yafo and Chief Rabbi and Rishon LeTzion. 1935-1941
[3] Postcards and letters by and to Rabbi Ben Tzion Meir Chai Uzial Rav of Yafo and Chief Rabbi and Rishon LeTzion. 1935-1941 *Postcard by Rabi M. Maalin from Białystok to Rabbi Ben Tzion Meir Uzial, Rav of Yafo, in response to inquiry concerning questions in Kidushin. "ועשיתי חקירה ודרישה בקבוץ הנוער הציוני ונתברר לי שלא היו כלום ואינם זקוקים זל"ז לג"פ".. At the bottom of the postcard HaRav Uzial adds in his handwriting "לסמוך על תעודה זו לבטול נשואין אלה".. Białystok and Yafo, 1935.

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Lot 16:
Letters from Rabbanim from Djerbo on matters of the rescue of education of the children of Djerbo Tunis, 1954-1955.
Letters from Rabbanim from Djerbo on matters of the rescue of education of the children of Djerbo Tunis, 1954-1955. Letters from Rabbanim from the city of Djerba in Tunis about receiving Olim and the education of the children of the city who ascended to Israel with religious education. Djerba 1954-1955.

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Lot 17:
(3) Printed documents of 'היתר עיסקא' (transaction permits) . Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic. Egypt (?) 19th century
(3) Printed documents of 'היתר עיסקא' (transaction permits) . Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic. Egypt (?) 19th century This document designated for the borrower - in this document the loan is defined as a partnership in which the borrower undertakes to give to the lender, after he bought merchandise which is likely to earn from, half of all his earnings from this merchandise.בניכוי שכר טורחה בגושה של 4 קרוש ראייג.Forbidding the borrower to sell on credit, to send money out of the country, to retrieve for himself or to pay his debts, and also forbids him to mix this money with his other. If the borrower wants to claim a loss in his commerce he must swear that he stood by the requirements defined on the document, a swear that he lost and bring two witnesses about the loss. In addition the borrower must put down a collateral for the lender. ו'וזמנה כפי זמן שטר זה בדקדוק כדי שאם עשיתי לו כאמור הוא יגבה כל הסך ממני בנקל בפמפייאלה שבידו.

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Lot 18:
כתובה דאירכסא Ketubah Deirkesa, printed document to replace an orginal Ketubah that has been lost, Zcukerman publishing, Jerusalem around 1935.
כתובה דאירכסא Ketubah Deirkesa, printed document to replace an orginal Ketubah that has been lost, Zcukerman publishing, Jerusalem around 1935. כתובה דאירכסא Ketubah Deirkesa, Prepared Ketubah Document with empty space to fill in the personal details, decorated with engraving, the caption 'Simon Tov –V'Mazel Tov' and the caption 'ממזרח שמש עד מבואו מהולל שם יי' With illustrations of royal crown, lions, plants. On the side of the pages of the Ketubah are brought within the framed caption,''ראה חיים עם אשה אשר אהבת, 'מצא אשה מצא טוב ויפק רצון מה' הטוב'.

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Lot 19:
Very rare. "מזרח", Segulot for spells and protection including segulot from the Chid"a and the Admo"r Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum for Uhel the author of "Yismach Moshe". Siget. Around 1880.
Very rare. "מזרח", Segulot for spells and protection including segulot from the Chid"a and the Admo"r Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum for Uhel the author of "Yismach Moshe". Siget. Around 1880. מזרח", "מצד זה רוח חיים"," perhaps the only one in the world, contains segulot and spells. Mendil Weider publishing, Siget, around 1880. Not found in the international library and unknown in bibliographia.

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Lot 20:
"Zemanei HaTefilos VeSeder HaSelichos LeYom HaKippurim" - anouncement of the time of Prayers on Yom Kippur 1930, at the Bet Kneset "Ohel Yaakov" in Munich. Munich 1930.
"Zemanei HaTefilos VeSeder HaSelichos LeYom HaKippurim" - anouncement of the time of Prayers on Yom Kippur 1930, at the Bet Kneset "Ohel Yaakov" in Munich. Munich 1930. Prospect specifying the times of Prayers and the list of poems (Piyutim) that are included in the various prayers during Yom Kippur 1930 at the Bet HaKneset "Ohel Yaakov" in Munich.

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Lot 21:
Torah Ohr, from The Holy Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, first edition, Kopust 1836.
Torah Ohr, from The Holy Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, first edition, Kopust 1836. Sefer "Torah Ohr", Chassidic writings on the Chumushim, Bereishit-Shemos, Chanukah-and Purim, by The Great and old Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi–The Baal HaTanya. The first edition. Kopust 1836.

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Lot 22:
Sefer Beit Aharon (Karlin). First edition. Brodi, 1875. Rare copy.
Sefer Beit Aharon (Karlin). First edition. Brodi, 1875. Rare copy. Sefer Beit Aharon - on Torah and Avodah, by  Hrh"k Rabbi Aharon of Karlin. With Kovetz Divrei Torah, letters, and traditions according to Chassidut by three Admo"rim of Karlin –Stolin. First edition. Brodi 1875.

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Lot 23:
Ohev Yisrael - first edition. Zhytomyr 1863.
Ohev Yisrael - first edition. Zhytomyr 1863. Ohev Yisrael by Hrh"k Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshil of Apte. First edition. Zhytomyr 1863.This is an important edition published by the brothers H'Rav Chananya Lipa and H'Rav Yehoshua Heshil of Zhitomir Printing.

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Lot 24:
Toldos Aharon, Berdychiv, 1817. First edtion.
Toldos Aharon, Berdychiv, 1817. First edtion. Toldos Aharon, "דברים עתיקים מדבש מתוקים צרופים ומזוקקים" (Words sweet and refined as honey), Chassidic and Kabalic drushim on Torah, by Rabbi Aharon of Zhytomyr. Yisrael Beck printing. Berdychiv, 1817. First edtion. Originaly: [2] 191 [192] pages 20cm. with endorsements of Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshil of Apta author of 'Ohev Yisrael', Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl and Rabbi Yisrael b"r Levi Yitzchok of Berdychiv. In this copy 3 first pages and 10 last pages missing, also missing the cover page and endorsements. Bluish paper. Hrh"k Aharon of Zhytomyr Wonderful speaker of which many annotations and sermons were written by his student Rabbi Levi of Zhtomyhr, edited carefuly and printed by his son-in-law Rabbi Mordechei and his Mechutan the wealthy R' Yakir Shimon. In the sefer "Toldos Aharon", In his sermons are many things he heard directly from his esteemed Rabbi, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Bedychiv. After the passing of Rabbi Zev of Zhytomyr, author of 'Ohr...

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Lot 25:
Sefer Imrei Emes two parts by the Admo"r Rabbi Yehuda Leib Eiger. First edition. Lublin 1902-1903.Rare and special copy (not found).
Sefer Imrei Emes two parts by the Admo"r Rabbi Yehuda Leib Eiger. First edition. Lublin 1902-1903.Rare and special copy (not found). Sefer Imrei Emes two parts on Chamishah Chumshai Torah, by the Admo"r Rabbi Yehudah Leib Eiger of Lublin.

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Lot 26:
Sefer Tzemach Tzadik, three parts, by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Viznitz. First edition. Czernowitz, 1885.
Sefer Tzemach Tzadik, three parts, by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Viznitz. First edition. Czernowitz, 1885. Tzemach Tzadik, Chassidut on Torah, Moadim and Likutim, by the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem Mendel [Hager] of Viznitz. First edition. Czernowitz, 1885.

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Lot 27:
Yismach Moshe on Sha"s and Moadim. First edition. Siget 1908.
Yismach Moshe on Sha"s and Moadim. First edition. Siget 1908. Yismach Moshe various annotations in it four seforim: Yayin HaRekach - Siach Sefunim - Tochachat Chaim Amirah Neimah - Avkat Roichel. First editiion. Marmarash Siget, 1908.[2] 104 pages. 27cm.New and pretty cover. Very good condition.

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Lot 28:
Shu"t HaRy"m. Józefów 1867. The first sefer from the Chidushei HaRy"m that was published about one year after his passing.
Shu"t HaRy"m. Józefów 1867. The first sefer from the Chidushei HaRy"m that was published about one year after his passing. Shu"t HaRy"m. Józefów 1867. The first sefer from the Chidushei HaRy"m that was published about one year after his passing. With an introduction from his grandson the Sefas Emes of Gur. At the end of the sefer there are also commentaries on Sha"s printed. Hand written ownership listed.[1] 157 pages. 35cm.Original binding. Front cover partly disconnected. General condition good -very good. 

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Lot 29:
Rare! Chidushei Hary"m five parts. Józefów - Warsaw, 1867-1891.
Rare! Chidushei Hary"m five parts. Józefów - Warsaw, 1867-1891. Seforim from the Chidushei Hary"m of Gur. Includes Shu"t Hary"m and Chidushei Hary"m on Shilchan Aruch and on Sha's. interesting notes.

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Lot 30:
LIkutai Mahry"a by Hrh"k Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik of Ziditchov, first edition. Lemberg, 1889. Handwritten annotations by Hadmo"r Rabbi Alter Eliezer Kahana of Ziditchov -Spinka.
LIkutai Mahry"a by Hrh"k Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik of Ziditchov, first edition. Lemberg, 1889. Handwritten annotations by Hadmo"r Rabbi Alter Eliezer Kahana of Ziditchov -Spinka. Likutai Mahry"a on Yalkut Shemoini by Hrh"k Rabbi Yitchok Eizik of Ziditchov. First edition. Lemberg 1889.  Personal copy of Hadmo"r Rabbi Alter Eliezer Kahana of Ziditchov, with annotations hand written.[4] 55, 56, [1] pages. 20cmNew binding. Very good condition.Hadmo"r Rabbi Alter Eliezer Kahana served as Admo"r of Ziditchov -Spinka. He renewed and refurbished the seforim of Spinka - Ziditchov - Komarna customs. Was a member of Otzar Haposkim until his passing in the year 2010.

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Lot 31:
Likutai Torah VhaSha"s (Ziditchov). Bereishit - Devorim. First edition. Lemberg - Siget, 1877-1892
Likutai Torah VhaSha"s (Ziditchov). Bereishit - Devorim. First edition. Lemberg - Siget, 1877-1892 Two volumes of LIkutai Torah VhaSha"s from Rabbi Yitchok Eizik of Ziditchov. First edition.*Part one Bereishit. Lemberg 1877. Personal copy from Admo"r Rabbi Yehudah Leibish Frankel Abd"k Batasani . Two cover pages. [4], 209 pages.*Part five Devarim. Siget 1892. [12], 199 pages. 27cm.New and beautiful binding. Moth holes and torn at the edges of the pages. General condition good - very good.

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Lot 32:
Kol Simcha by Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa . Second edition. Przemyśl 1877.
Kol Simcha by Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa . Second edition. Przemyśl 1877. Sefer Kol Simcha by Hrh"k Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa. Second edition. Przemyśl  1877.28 pages, 23cm.Some taped reinforcements. General condition very good.

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Lot 33:
Exceptional copy, Miktzoa BaTorah, from the Mahari"l Tzinz, first edition. Personal copy of The Holy Rabbi Nossson Nachum of Krumlov. Rare.
Exceptional copy, Miktzoa BaTorah, from the Mahari"l Tzinz, first edition. Personal copy of The Holy Rabbi Nossson Nachum of Krumlov. Rare. "Miktzoa BaTorah" by HaGoan Rabbi Aryeh Leib Tzinz. First edition, Pietrekov, 1878. Personal copy of The Holy Rabbi Nosson Nachum HaKohen Rabinovitz of Krumlov Hy"d.

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Lot 34:
Netivot HaShalom – Orchot Chaim and Orchot Mishpat, Kingsburg 1858. Copy of Hrh"k Rabbi Aharon Menachem Mendel of Radzimin.
Netivot HaShalom – Orchot Chaim and Orchot Mishpat, Kingsburg 1858. Copy of Hrh"k Rabbi Aharon Menachem Mendel of Radzimin. Netivot HaShalom – Orchot Chaim and Orchot Mishpat, Laws in Even Haezer and Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Moshe Nechemia Kahanov Ab"d Choslovitz, Kingsburg 1858 11, 54, 72 pages. 21cm. Stamp of Hrh"k Rabbi Aharon Menachem Mendel of Radzymin. Without cover, stained, some pages disconnected, moth damage. Fair condition.

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Lot 35:
Sefer Knesset Yisrael full set on Pirkei Avot. Personal copies of the Admo"r Rabbi Mordechei Dov Halberstam grandson of Hrh"k Rabbi Shalom Eliezer of Ratzfurt.
Sefer Knesset Yisrael full set on Pirkei Avot. Personal copies of the Admo"r Rabbi Mordechei Dov Halberstam grandson of Hrh"k Rabbi Shalom Eliezer of Ratzfurt. Full set of six parts of the "Knesset Yisrael". Between the pages of he seforim annotations, signature and stamp of the Admo"r Rabbi Mordechei Dov Halberstam of Mishkoltz son of Rabbi Chaim Halberstam who was the first born son of Hrh"k Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfurt son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz.

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Lot 36:
Sefer Ahavas Yisrael with a long hand written inscription by his son the Imrei Chaim of Viznitz. first edition. Oradea 1943.
Sefer Ahavas Yisrael with a long hand written inscription by his son the Imrei Chaim of Viznitz. first edition. Oradea 1943. "בלב מלא שמחה ועונג לרגל עומדך לבחינה ויצאת בדימוס ונסמכת להוראה הרי נותן לך לאות הצטייינות והוקרה את הספר הקדוש אהבת ישראל מכ"ק אאמו"ר הקדוש זצללה"ה עלה מעלה מעלה בתורה ויראת שמים וטוב לך כל הימים. חיים מאיר בהה"צ מוהר"י זצללה"ה".

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Lot 37:
Mishnayot Seder Zeroim , with tosefot Rabbi Akiva Eiger. personal copy of the Great Gaon Rabbi DovBerish Miezlish Gab"d Warsaw and Krakow. First edition. Warsaw 1861.
Mishnayot Seder Zeroim , with tosefot Rabbi Akiva Eiger. personal copy of the Great Gaon Rabbi DovBerish Miezlish Gab"d Warsaw and Krakow. First edition. Warsaw 1861. Mishnayot Seder Zeroim, personal copy of the Great Gaon Rabbi DovBerish Miezlish Gab"d Warsaw and Krakow. Warsaw 1861. Stamp of Gaon Rabbi DovBerish Miezlish Gab"d Warsaw. It should be noted that the Gaon stood at the head of the endorsements on annotations from Rabbi Akiva Eiger that was published for the first time in this edition. New cover. Very good – great condition. The Great Gaon Rabbi Dov Berish Miezlish [1798-1870] was from the great Poskim and leaders of the generation. Gab"d Warsaw and Krakow, His name was known to all as a great scholar and his great sefer 'Chidushei Mahrda"m' is known  among the most valued commentaries on the sefer HaMItzvot L'Ramaba"m.Authors of seforim and the great men of his generation foasted their sefer with his endorsements and so to this following sefer of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, added for the first time in this edition. Stamp of the Gaon appears perfectly clear, also hand...

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Lot 38:
Sefer HaZohar Chumasj Shemot (Exodus). Krotoszyn, 1858. Valued copy of Admo"rim of Timișoara- Nadvorna.
Sefer HaZohar Chumasj Shemot (Exodus). Krotoszyn, 1858. Valued copy of Admo"rim of Timișoara- Nadvorna. Sefer HaZohar on Chumash Shemot (Exodus). Personal copy from Hrh"k Rabbi Yesocher Ber Liefer. it was later inherited by his son the Admo"r Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Arye Liefer of Ungvar.

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Lot 39:
Kaftor VaFerach, Lemberg, 1891. Copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Spira of Drohoych.
Kaftor VaFerach, Lemberg, 1891. Copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Spira of Drohoych. Kaftor VaFerach. By Rabbi Yaakov Ashkenazi from the family Lutzati of Venice, published by Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi Liezner, Maggid Meisharim of Buchach, zy"a.

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Lot 40:
Diverei Chaim two parts. Special edition Jerusalem 1946. Personal copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Kalish of Skierniewice.
Diverei Chaim two parts. Special edition Jerusalem 1946. Personal copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Kalish of Skierniewice. Sefer Divrei Chaim, two parts. Special edition with endorsement from Rabbi Yitzchok Yeshaya Halberstam of Tchetchov. Was published by his grandson the author Rabbi Yaakov Halberstam of Tschakava. Jerusalem 1946. Stamp from Rebbe Yosef Zvi Kalisch of Skierniewice.

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Lot 41:
Bekurei Reishit. Șimleu Silvaniei 1926. Personal copy of the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo Friedman of Tchortkov.
Bekurei Reishit. Șimleu Silvaniei 1926. Personal copy of the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo Friedman of Tchortkov. Bekurei Reishit similies on Sha"s by Rabbi Yaakov Shmuel Auslander of Șimleu Silvaniei. Șimleu Silvaniei 1926. Personal copy of the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo Friedman of Tchortkov Tel Aviv.[2] 52 [ages 23cm. stamp of "HaRav Shlomo Friedman of Tchertkov Tel Aviv Rechov Echad Ha-am 89".Part of the pages not cut in print. Very good condition.Hadmo"r Rabbi Shlomo [Shlome'niu] Friedman of Tchortkov, was born to his father the Admo"r Rabbi Nachum Mordechei in the year 1894, was son-in-law of his uncle the Admo"r Rabbi Yisrael of Sadigura. from the year 1926 he served as Admo"r of Tchortkov in Tel Aviv, and passed away in the year of 1959. His Divrei Torah are in the sefer Divrei Shlomo.

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Lot 42:
Rare! Toraht Chovat Havavot, Warsaw, 1930.Personal copy of the Admo"r Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Spinka, Bnei Brak, with notations and comments by his holy handwriting.
Rare! Toraht Chovat Havavot, Warsaw, 1930.Personal copy of the Admo"r Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Spinka, Bnei Brak, with notations and comments by his holy handwriting. Toraht Chovat Halvavot, from Rabbainu Bachyei the Sefaradi, Warsaw edition 1930, from the personal seforim of Hrh"k Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Weis the Admo"r of Spinka Bnei Brak and before that the abd"k of Borșa.

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Lot 43:
Ohel Yaakov on the Torah from the Dubna Magid. Warsaw 1928. Personal copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Weiss of Spinka while he lived in Seleuşu Mare.
Ohel Yaakov on the Torah from the Dubna Magid. Warsaw 1928. Personal copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Weiss of Spinka while he lived in Seleuşu Mare. Ohel Yaakov sermons of agada on Chamisha Chumshai Torah. Warsaw 1928. Vayikra - Bamidbar - Devarim. Stamped: "Weisz Jakob Sevlus".130,94,119 pages, 24cm.Good- very good condition.

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Lot 44:
Sefarim of Biala. With dedications hand written and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi David Mattityahu of Biala.
Sefarim of Biala. With dedications hand written and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi David Mattityahu of Biala. Sefer Avodat Yechiel holy comentaries by Hrh"k Rabbi Yechiel Yehoshua Rabinovitz of Biala. Personal copy of his oldest son the Admo"r Rabbi David Mattityahu.The sefer was granted as a gift with a special dedication hand written.

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Lot 45:
שם הגדולים. וורשה, תרל"ו (1876). העותק האישי של רבי אורי שרגא פייבל אב"ד יאססי
שם הגדולים. וורשה, תרל"ו (1876). העותק האישי של רבי אורי שרגא פייבל אב"ד יאססי  שם הגדולים, ושם הגדולים החדש, מאת החיד"א, [4] חלקים כרוכים יחד. חתימות בעלות בשמו של רבי אורי שרגא פייבל טויבש (טאובס) אב"ד יאססי. וורשה, תרל"ו 1876.[4] ספרים כרוכים יחד: שם הגדולים ולעד לחכמים, חלק א. שם הגדולים ועד לחכמים, חלק שני. שם הגדולים החדש, חלק ראשון. שם הגדולים החדש, חלק שני. סד, נח, [6], עג, מב דף, נייר. 22 ס"מ. עם רישום שמו של בעל הספר פעמים רבות בכריכות הספר, בדפי הפרוזץ ובין דפי הספר.הרב אורי שרגא פייבל טויבש (טאובס) - רבה הראשי של יאססי (יאש) שברומניה, בין השנים תרכ"ו - תרס"ח (1866-1908). משפחת טאובס היא משפחה רבנית שמקורה בגליציה. רבים מבני משפחתה זו היגרו החל מאמצע המאה התשע-עשרה לרומניה. רבנים ממשפחה זו כיהנו בקהילות שונות ברומניה, ובראשם בקהילת יאשי שבמולדביה, שם הם שימשו בקודש כרבני העיר משנת 1852 ועד למלחמת העולם השנייה.כריכה מנותקת. כתמים, מעט קרעים, מצב טוב-טוב מאוד.

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Lot 46:
Sefer, Seder Nusoch HaKarbanut, Tashlich, Ushpizin, V'Hakafut, by the Great Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, the "Divrei Chaim". Levov, 1886.
Sefer, Seder Nusoch HaKarbanut, Tashlich, Ushpizin, V'Hakafut, by the Great Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, the "Divrei Chaim". Levov, 1886. Sefer, "Seder Nusoch HaKarbanut, Tashlich, Ushpizin, V'Hakafut, From Admo"r Hagoan HaKodosh ... M'Ran Chaim Halberstam ztzllh"h Abd"k Sanz". Levov, 1886.

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Lot 47:
Adnei Paz, collection of annotations on Torah from Chassidic sages (by Rabbi Meir of Karshuv). Vilna and Grodno, 1835.
Adnei Paz, collection of annotations on Torah from Chassidic sages (by Rabbi Meir of Karshuv). Vilna and Grodno, 1835. Sefer Adnei Paz, ואלה מוסיף על הראשונים... שנלקטו אגודת מכמה רבנן קשישאי". (By Rabbi Meir of Karshuv) Vilna and Grodono, 1835.44 pages, 18cm.Stained, weak binding, moth damage, back cover damaged. Fair -good condition.

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Lot 48:
Shu"t Imrei Noam by Hrh"k Rabbi Meir Horowitz of Dzikov, Krakow 1888.
Shu"t Imrei Noam by Hrh"k Rabbi Meir Horowitz of Dzikov, Krakow 1888. Shu"t Imrei Noam part one. Author Hrh"k Rabbi Meir Horowitz of Dzikov. First edition. Krakow, 1888.[2], 47 pages, 40cmNew binding. Very good condition.

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