
Tiferet - Auction 51






Lot 1:
Vellum of a Sefer Torah, Ashkenazic script, [70] vellum sheets
Vellum of a Sefer Torah, Ashkenazic script, [70] vellum sheets Vellum of a Sefer Torah, Ashkenazic script, [70] vellum sheets

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Lot 2:
Vellum of an old Sefer Torah - [50] velum sheets, Sephardic script. 
Vellum of an old Sefer Torah - [50] velum sheets, Sephardic script.  Vellum of an old Sefer Torah - [50] velum sheets, Sephardic script. 

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Lot 3:
Old Ashkenazic Sefer Torah. Complete. Small
Old Ashkenazic Sefer Torah. Complete. Small Small Sefer Torah with [46[ vellum sheets. 

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Lot 4:
Parashiyot Tefillin Mehudarot Written by Rabbi Aharon Unger who Wrote Tefillin for Maran the Chazon Ish
Parashiyot Tefillin Mehudarot Written by Rabbi Aharon Unger who Wrote Tefillin for Maran the Chazon Ish Parashiyot Tefillin Mehudarot written by the expert scribe Rabbi Aharon Unger of Magdiel, who wrote Tefillin for Maran the Chazon Ish. 

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Lot 5:
Parashiyot Tefillin Written by the Scribe of the Holy Rav Rabbi Aharon of Belz - Rabbi Yosef Kesler
Parashiyot Tefillin Written by the Scribe of the Holy Rav Rabbi Aharon of Belz - Rabbi Yosef Kesler Pedigreed and important Parashiyot Tefillin, written by the famed expert scribe Rabbi Yosef Kesler of Lubavitch who wrote the most pedigreed Sefer Torah of the Belz Chassidut.

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Lot 6:
Set of Ancient Parashiyot Tefillin - More Than Two Hundred Years Old Sephardic Script
Set of Ancient Parashiyot Tefillin - More Than Two Hundred Years Old Sephardic Script Set Parashiyot of Tefillin shel Rosh and Yad, most ancient, Sephardic script, from the Balkan area, more than two hundred years old. 

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Lot 7:
Elegenat Mezuzah - Especially Large
Elegenat Mezuzah - Especially Large Large and elegant Kosher mezuzah, Ari script. 

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Lot 8:
Amulet for Protection. Sephardic Script
Amulet for Protection. Sephardic Script "תהיה עוזר ומגן וצנה בעד נושא נושא הזה.... מכל מיני רעות שבעולם ותפלטהו ותצילהו מכל אורב ואויב ושונא ופגעים רעים ורוחות רעות" - amulet on parchment, with angels' names, Kabbalistic combination of letters and a prayer. Sephardic script. 

Start price:


Lot 9:
Amulet for Protection and Segulah. Sephardic Script
Amulet for Protection and Segulah. Sephardic Script "תהיה עוזר ומגן וסומך ליוסף ב"מ שרה "  - amulet on parchment, with angels' names and tables with Kabbalistic combination of letters and a prayer. Sephardic script. 

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Lot 10:
Sefer HeAruch. Edition of the Printer Baragadin. Venice, 1553
Sefer HeAruch. Edition of the Printer Baragadin. Venice, 1553 Sefer HeAruch, by Rabbeinu Nosson ben Rabbi Yechiel of Rome.  Venice, [1553]/ With dozens of handwritten glosses. Rare. 

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Lot 11:
Commentary on the Ibn Ezra. First and Rare Edition. Venice, 1554
Commentary on the Ibn Ezra. First and Rare Edition. Venice, 1554 Commentary on the commentary of the Ibn Ezra on the Torah, by Rabbi Shmuel Mutot. Venice, [1554]. First and rare Edition. 

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Lot 12:
Ma'aynei HaYeshu'ah by the Abravanel - Amsterdam, [1647] Second and Rare Edition
Ma'aynei HaYeshu'ah by the Abravanel - Amsterdam, [1647] Second and Rare Edition Ma'aynei HaYeshu'ah, commentary on Sefer Daniel by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abravanel - [Amsterdam, 1647]. Second edition. Rare. 

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Lot 13:
Matzat Shimurim. Kabbalah. First Edition. Venice, 1760
Matzat Shimurim. Kabbalah. First Edition. Venice, 1760 Sefer Matzat Shimurim by the Kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Shapiro - First Edition - Venice, 1760 - bound with ten handwritten leaves from the 18th century, containing "rules from the Ari's writings"

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Lot 14:
First Edition! Rare! Sdeh Yehoshua on Yerushalmi Zera'im. Kushta, 1662
First Edition! Rare! Sdeh Yehoshua on Yerushalmi Zera'im. Kushta, 1662 Sdeh Yehoshua, elucidation on some tractates of the Yerushalmi Seder Zera'im [with the text], by Rabbi Yehoshua [Raphael] Benvanist. Avraham Gabai Press. Kushta, 1662. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 15:
Sefer Olat Tamid VeOlat Shabbat by Rabbi Shmuel of Krakow - Amsterdam 1681 - First...
Sefer Olat Tamid VeOlat Shabbat by Rabbi Shmuel of Krakow - Amsterdam 1681 - First... Sefer Olat Tamid VeOlat Shabbat by Rabbi Shmuel of Krakow - Amsterdam 1681 - First Editon that was Printed in the Author's Lifetime - Scholarly Glosses from the 18th Century - Incomplete Copy

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Lot 16:
Single Edition! Rare! Darkei Noam. Amsterdam, 1688
Single Edition! Rare! Darkei Noam. Amsterdam, 1688 Darkei Noam. Klalei HaTalmud and at its end, Tiv Taam on Taamei Mikra and Darkei Hashem, indices for taryag Mitzvot. Amsterdam, 1688. Rare book. Single edition. 

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Lot 17:
Sefer Divrei Chachamim, including Da'at Chochmah and Mekor Chochmah with Solet Blulah, by Rabbi Yehuda...
Sefer Divrei Chachamim, including Da'at Chochmah and Mekor Chochmah with Solet Blulah, by Rabbi Yehuda... Sefer Divrei Chachamim, including Da'at Chochmah and Mekor Chochmah with Solet Blulah, by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Pochovitzer of Pinsk. [Hamburg], [1692]. First edition. 

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Lot 18:
Ir Binyamin on the Shas. First Edition. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1698
Ir Binyamin on the Shas. First Edition. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1698 Sefer Ir Binyamin, a work on Aggadot Hashas Ein Yaakov section II [most of Seder Nashim and tractates Bava Kama and Bava metzi'a] by Rabbi Binyomin Zeev Wolf Av Beis Din of Zmigrod. Michl Gutt Shalk Press, Frankfurt an der Oder, 1698. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 19:
Hanoten Imrei Shefer, Frankfurt am Main, 1713 Copy of the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Menachem Manish Sofer of Siget
Hanoten Imrei Shefer, Frankfurt am Main, 1713 Copy of the Tzaddik Rav Rabbi Menachem Manish Sofer of Siget Sefer Hanoten Imrei Shefer, by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Chaim. Reprinted in Frankfurt am Main, 1713.

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Lot 20:
Damesek Eliezer. First Edition. Wilhelmsdorf, 1718
Damesek Eliezer. First Edition. Wilhelmsdorf, 1718 Damesek Eliezer by Rabbi Eliezer ben Rabbi Yehoshua of Shebrashin, commentary on Torat Hachatat Hakatzar by the Rema [with the text]. The press of Hirsch ben Rabbi Chaim of Furth, Wilhelmsdorf, [1718]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 21:
Rare Tzintzenet Menachem, First Edition, Berlin 1720
Rare Tzintzenet Menachem, First Edition, Berlin 1720 Sefer Tzintzenet Menachem, on Aggadot Chazal - First Edition - Berlin 1720 - ancient signatures and notations. 

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Lot 22:
Orach Mishor on Masechet Nazir. Berlin, 1723
Orach Mishor on Masechet Nazir. Berlin, 1723 Orach Mishor, elucidations and innovations on Masechet Nazir, by Rabbi Yochanan Kremnitzer. Nosson Neumark Press, Berlin, 1723. First Edition.

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Lot 23:
Sha'arei Dura, Jessenitz, 1724 Pedigreed Copy
Sha'arei Dura, Jessenitz, 1724 Pedigreed Copy Sefer Sha'arei Dura - Jessenitz, 1724 - signatures and stamps of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Nachum Blum of Grosswardein (the son of the Beit She'arim) and his Son Shmuel Shmelkeh

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Lot 24:
Kehilot Moshe. Amsterdam, 1724-1728 Handwritten Glosses from the Period - from Haleb
Kehilot Moshe. Amsterdam, 1724-1728 Handwritten Glosses from the Period - from Haleb Kehilot Moshe, [4] volumes, a complete set of Tanach Mikra'ot Gedolot, edited by the publisher and printer, the Dayan Rabbi Moshe Frankfurt of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1724-1728. With handwritten glosses on volume I. 

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Lot 25:
[2] rare books by Rabbi Chizkiya Da Silva. Amsterdam, [1730], in a single volume: Pri...
[2] rare books by Rabbi Chizkiya Da Silva. Amsterdam, [1730], in a single volume: Pri... [2] rare books by Rabbi Chizkiya Da Silva. Amsterdam, [1730], in a single volume: Pri Chadash, the Yoreh Deah sections and Sefer Mayim Chaim on the Talmud, the Rambam and more. 

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Lot 26:
Shevet Mussar by Rabbi Eliyahu Hacohen of Izmir. Amsterdam, [1732]. Rare.
Shevet Mussar by Rabbi Eliyahu Hacohen of Izmir. Amsterdam, [1732]. Rare. Shevet Mussar by Rabbi Eliyahu Hacohen of Izmir. Amsterdam, [1732]. Rare.

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Lot 27:
Zara Yitzchak on the Mishnayot. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1732. Single and Rare Edition
Zara Yitzchak on the Mishnayot. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1732. Single and Rare Edition Zara Yitzchak on the Mishnayot, by Rabbi Yitzchak Chayut. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1732. Single edition. Rare. 

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Lot 28:
Tosafot Yeshanim. Berlin, 1736
Tosafot Yeshanim. Berlin, 1736 Tosafot Yeshanim [by Rabbi Moshe of Coucy] compiled by Rabbi Yosef Yesil pf Lisa. [The press of Aharon ben Moshe Rofeh?]. [Berlin], [1736]. Rare. 

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Lot 29:
Single Edition, Unique Book: Histarut Melech Hanegev im Melech Hatzafon. Amsterdam, 1737
Single Edition, Unique Book: Histarut Melech Hanegev im Melech Hatzafon. Amsterdam, 1737 Histarut Melech Hanegev im Melech Hatzafon, by Rabbi Yaakov Londin. Amsterdam, 1737. Single edition. Rare. 

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Lot 30:
Seder Limud for Leil Shvi'i shel Pesach. Venice, 1740
Seder Limud for Leil Shvi'i shel Pesach. Venice, 1740 Tehilot Hashem, Seder Limud for Leil Shvi'i shel Pesach. Published by Avraham Michael and Moshe  Consilio, Winderman Press. Venice, [1740]. 

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Lot 31:
Yosher Levav by Rabbi Emmanuel Chai Ricci. Amsterdam, 1742. First edition. Rare.
Yosher Levav by Rabbi Emmanuel Chai Ricci. Amsterdam, 1742. First edition. Rare. Yosher Levav by Rabbi Emmanuel Chai Ricci. Amsterdam, 1742. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 32:
Yavin Shemu'ah by the Rashbatz First Edition, 1744
Yavin Shemu'ah by the Rashbatz First Edition, 1744 Yavin Shemu'ah by the Rashbatz with Tikkun Sofrim by his son the Rashbash. Avraham Milodela Press, Livorno, [1744]. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 33:
Lechem Yehuda. First Edition, Livorno, 1745
Lechem Yehuda. First Edition, Livorno, 1745 Lechem Yehuda, on the Rambam, by Rabbi Yehuda Ayash. Avraham First Edition, Avraham Mildola Press, Livorno, 1745. First edition in the author's lifetime. 

Start price:


Lot 34:
Malki Bakodesh. First Edition. Salonika, 1740
Malki Bakodesh. First Edition. Salonika, 1740 Malki Bakodesh, elucidation on the Passover Haggadah [with the text], innovations on Hilchot Moadim and Likutim, by Rabbi Ezra Malki. Bezalel Halevi Press, Salonika, 1740. First edition. Rare. 

Start price:


Lot 35:
Sefer Pri HaAdamah on the Rambam, II [Nezikin-Shoftim], by the Rishon LeZion Rabbi [Raphael] Meyuchas...
Sefer Pri HaAdamah on the Rambam, II [Nezikin-Shoftim], by the Rishon LeZion Rabbi [Raphael] Meyuchas... Sefer Pri HaAdamah on the Rambam, II [Nezikin-Shoftim], by the Rishon LeZion Rabbi [Raphael] Meyuchas ben Rabbi Shmuel. The press of Bezalel Halevi Ashkenazi, [1752]. First edition. The personal copy of Rabbi Avraham Chaim Adadi. 

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Lot 36:
Divrei Shlomo. Drush. Frankfurt, 1753-1754. Single Edition
Divrei Shlomo. Drush. Frankfurt, 1753-1754. Single Edition Sefer Divrei Shlomo - Drushim on the Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Shalem - Frankfurt, 1753-1754 - Single Edition - with an Ancient Signature

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Lot 37:
Minchat Yaakov, Mahadura Tanyana. Furth, 1763. Pedigreed Copy
Minchat Yaakov, Mahadura Tanyana. Furth, 1763. Pedigreed Copy Minchat Yaakov, two sections, by Rabbi Yaakov ben Rabbi Yosef Reisher. Furth, 1763. Copy of Rabbi Michl Leib Munk of Danzig. 

Start price:


Lot 38:
Single and Rare Edition! Shenot Chaim on Mishlei and Kohelet. Amsterdam, 1765
Single and Rare Edition! Shenot Chaim on Mishlei and Kohelet. Amsterdam, 1765 Shenot Chaim, [I-II] commentary on Mishlei and Kohelet, by Rabbi Chaim Yudentash Mazia, the leader of the Prague community. Leib Zusmanesh Press, Amsterdam, [1765]. Single and rare edition.

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Lot 39:
Me'orei Esh on the Torah and Megillot. Furth, 1766. First Edition
Me'orei Esh on the Torah and Megillot. Furth, 1766. First Edition Me'orei Esh on the Torah and Megillot, by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Eisenstadt and his grandson. Itzak Madpis Press, Furth, [1766]. First Edition. The personal copy of Rabbi Yeshayahu Bardaki. 

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Lot 40:
Toldot Avraham - Furth, 1769 - First Edition
Toldot Avraham - Furth, 1769 - First Edition Toldot Avraham - Furth, 1769 - First Edition. Pedigreed copy. 

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Lot 41:
Shut Maharam of Lublin. Metz, 1769
Shut Maharam of Lublin. Metz, 1769 Shut Maharam of Lublin. Joseph Antouan Press, Metz, [1769]. Second edition. Rare. 

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Lot 42:
Rosh Amanah, Printed in Altona, 1770
Rosh Amanah, Printed in Altona, 1770 Rosh Amanah, by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abravanel. Moshe Bon Segal Press, Altona, [1770]. 

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Lot 43:
Sefer Or Chadash on Masechet Psachim by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Kalir - Frankfurt an...
Sefer Or Chadash on Masechet Psachim by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Kalir - Frankfurt an... Sefer Or Chadash on Masechet Psachim by the Gaon Rabbi Elazar Kalir - Frankfurt an der Oder, 1876 - first edition - signatures, notations and gloss

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Lot 44:
Regel Yeshara. Single Edition. Dhyrenfurth, 1777
Regel Yeshara. Single Edition. Dhyrenfurth, 1777 Regel Yeshara, Shiyurei rashi, at its end, Kuntres Lemidot Inishkolot and Kuntres Hanadsi Vehaarugah [by Rabbi Gedalya Lifshitz]. Yechiel Michl Mata Press, Dgyrenfurth, [1777]. Single edition. 

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Lot 45:
Issur Veheiter. Prague, 1784
Issur Veheiter. Prague, 1784 Sefer Issur Veheiter. Prague, 1784. Ownership notations from the period. 

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Lot 46:
Beit Meir, Even HaEzer, by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posner. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1787]....
Beit Meir, Even HaEzer, by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posner. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1787].... Beit Meir, Even HaEzer, by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Posner. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1787]. First edition. Published in the author's lifetime. 

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Lot 47:
The Drush Book Se'udat Mitzvah. First Edition. Venice, 1791
The Drush Book Se'udat Mitzvah. First Edition. Venice, 1791 Se'udat Mitzvah, Drushim for the Moadim and Yamim Noraim, by Rabbi Daniel Tirani of Ancona. Baragadin Press, Venice, 1791. First edition. Rare. 

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Lot 48:
First Edition in the Author's Lifetime Olat Chodesh. Prague, 1793
First Edition in the Author's Lifetime Olat Chodesh. Prague, 1793 Olat Chodesh, III, 18 eulogies by Rabbi Elazar ben Rabbi David [Fleckeles] Rosh Av Beis Din of Prague. Prague, 1793. First edition in the author's lifetime. 

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Lot 49:
Simchat Mitzvah, for the Dedication of the Synagogue. Florence, 1793
Simchat Mitzvah, for the Dedication of the Synagogue. Florence, 1793 Simchat Mitzvah, for the dedication of the Italian Synagogue of Florence, by Rabbi Daniel Tirani. Published by Gotano Kambiago, Florence, [1793]. 

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Lot 50:
Tzavat Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah. First Edition. Horodna, 1794
Tzavat Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah. First Edition. Horodna, 1794 Last will and testament of Baal Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah. First edition. Horodna, 1794. 

Start price: